Monday, 19 September 2011


Good evening everyone,

Today was a rainy Monday, so we stayed inside for the entire day. I think the weather had everyone feeling a little down this morning so we started off with reading a book called, "Whoever You Are," by one of my favourite children's authors, Mem Fox. It is about recognizing our physical differences from each other and those around the world while also identifying our similarities within. It is a very good book and I suggest buying it for your own copy. Books by Mem Fox are typically value-centered, have wonderful pictures, and are interesting for young readers!

We also watched a "Franklin" episode that discusses our differences from one another. The students love Franklin and it is a great show to captivate the attention of young children and to teach them various lessons in life. We had Show and Share today. Our volunteers were Jordan, Jaiden, and Demiana. It was a very successful first Show and Share. To conclude our day, we used q-tips to paint dots on a picture of a foot. This deals with our first unit of inquiry, "Who we are" (see first few posts for this year). Surprisingly, painting was not too messy!

Just a reminder to parents:
*****I have been taking notice of the uniforms and there are still some students who are not dressing in the proper gym uniform, day uniform, or both. Please ensure that your child comes every day to class in the correct uniform. If you are still waiting for uniforms to arrive, please notify me so that I am aware. But please, please pay attention to the uniforms!

*Show and Share this week is based on the letter 'E' and not the letter 'A' as mentioned today in your child's agenda. This was my mistake and I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. The Show and Share volunteers for this week will still remain the same. 

Have a great night and see you tomorrow!!

Ms. H. 

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