Today, we started off the day with circle time. Then we worked on our second unit of inquiry by discussing and doing an activity on the Gingerbread Man. This activity dealt with the book and with recognizing our colours and shapes. You will notice this activity in your child's book bag as it was sent home today.
We also read one of my favourite stories, The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, one of the most talented children's authors and illustrators (in my own opinion and those of many others!). Through this book, we learned the lifecycle of a butterfly. We learned that it starts off as an egg, becomes a tiny caterpillar who then hides in his cocoon until he comes out as a beautiful butterfly. I also retold the story as a second time using tiny stuffed animal versions of each cycle of a butterfly and different props to demonstrate different parts of the book. The students had fun passing around these props and they found the life cycle of a butterfly very interesting.
We also traced and wrote all of the vowels and the letter "Ll." Everyone is getting so much better at writing these letters and the shaky lines are quickly transforming into straight, fluid, beautiful letters... kind of like the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly (my own analogy!).
We also coloured a picture of a butterfly and watched an episode of Franklin as a treat for doing so well on all of our tracing worksheets.
We also had french and music. Some students got house points for being such helpful students during these two classes!
Some reminders:
-There is no school this Friday.
-Care Logs are due this Thursday
-Picture Day forms/money are due BY November 18th, 2011.
Have a great night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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