Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Wonderful Wednesday!

Today, we started off the day by talking about a certain animal that lives in cold climates. I will give you all a few hints:

1. It only lives in Antarctica.
2. It LOVES eating fish.
3. It is especially cute when it waddles.

If you guessed a penguin, then you were right! We talked about these facts about a penguin and, most specifically, talked about emperor penguins. We learned that these penguins only live in Antarctica and that the father holds the baby egg while the mommy goes to get food. We learned that the father holds and keeps the baby egg warm in between his feet so he has to be extra careful when he walks!

We did a penguin craft, using heart shapes to create our own "pet" penguins. We also did a worksheet Pp" for Penguin. 

We had gym in the morning. After lunch, we had dress rehearsals for the concert, where the whole school got to see each other's performances. Everyone did so well at this rehearsal!

We ended the day with story time and silent reading.

A few reminders:

-The Gala is this Saturday, February 11. Please dress your child in red and or white clothing
-Spirt Dress-Up Day is on Tuesday, February 14, 2012. Spirit colours are red, white, and pink.

Have a great night!!! 

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