Thursday, 8 March 2012

Good Evening!

We started off the day by continuing our summative presentations in order to conclude our unit on animals. Today's presenters were Vishva, Sebastian and Leon. Everyone has done such a terrific job on their presentations and everyone practiced so hard!  I am proud of all of you!!

Following presentations and snack time, we had our reptile show. This was VERY exciting for everyone who watched and participated in it. We got to learn about and see a king snake, a blue tongue skink, a baby crocodile, an albino burmese python, and other cool reptiles. Although this animal is not a reptile, we also got to see a tarantula as well. After learning about these animals, we got a chance to touch and pet each one as well. It was so cool!

Following our reptile show, we had lunch. After lunch, we did some worksheets and activities about the spring season. We also had french and music.

After second lunch, we had story time and centers, which took us to the end of the day.

A reminder that March break holidays are from Monday, March 12 to Friday, March 23, 2012. 

Have a fabulous night!!!

Miss H.

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