Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Rainy Wednesday!

Good afternoon everyone,

Today, we began the day with circle time and discussed what new things are going on in our lives. Some of us went to the Rainforest Cafe lately while another student is getting hardwood flooring completed in his house! A lot is going on in and outside of the JKA classroom!

After circle time, we worked on our letters and practiced writing letters on our own "Cars 2" whiteboard sheets and whiteboard markers. This went over very well. The letters we practiced writing today were A, B, and C. Please continue to work on letter sounds with your child. Here is a good link to a song we've been listening to in class. This song covers all of the letter sounds.

Letter Sounds Song by Jack Hartmann

We also went for a walk (W for Walk) on this nice day. We looked for things that started with each letter of the alphabet as a group. Here are some of the things we saw:

A: ant
B: bird
C: car
D: dandelion
F: Flower
G: grass
H: house or hydrant
I: insect
L: leaf
P: pine needle
R: rock
S: stick
T: tree
W: weed
Y: yellow flower

Following our walk, we had pizza day. After lunch, we worked on transportation collages. We will continue to work on them tomorrow as well. We looked through National Geographic magazines for different types of transportation and found many pictures pertaining to this topic!

We also had French and ended the day with centers.

A reminder to complete, sign and return the forms for next Thursday's International Travel Day. Also (if applicable) please write in your child's agenda what food item you will be bringing.

Have a nice, relaxing night!

Miss H.

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