Tuesday, 3 April 2012


Good afternoon everyone,

Today we started off the day with a story about a fish who makes lots of wishes. For our unit on transportation, we used the props we made/decorated on Monday to sing the "Wheels on the Bus." Following this, we began working on our transportation book. On our own, we wrote the different types of transportation for each picture on each page. Here is an example of one student's work:

This book, which will be completed by Friday (as there are a lot of pages!) took us until first lunch. After lunch, we did some letter worksheets on the letter Pp. Please look for things at home or outside that begin with the letter Pp. We also had french and music class, when we practiced our songs for the French Cafe event on May 4. After second lunch, we had math and worked on numbers. For this, we learned a number poem called "I Can See 2," which required us to think of things on our bodies that we had two of. After learning this poem, we were paired into partners and had to ask each other how many parts on our bodies we had (how many eyes, noses, mouth, teeth, fingers, toes, feet, hands). Then we drew our own pictures of ourselves with these features. As a treat, at the end of the day we played "Red Light, Green Light" in the gym.

A reminder that there is no school this Good Friday or on Easter Monday.

Spirit Day is on Thursday. Please wear bight colours or pastels for Easter Spirit Day.

Have a great night!

Miss H.

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