Monday, 16 April 2012

Marvelous Monday!

Good afternoon everyone,

We started off the day with circle time and discussed what each of us did on the weekend. Many of us had a nice, relaxing weekend. Following this, we did an activity/experiment called "Sink or Float?" We tested several toys to see if they sunk or if they floated. Ms. Poland and I dropped different toys in a bucket of water. Before we did, all the students had to guess whether or not they would sink or float. They either had to go to one side of the room (sink) or the other side of the room (float). This was a fun activity that led to our central topic of types of transportation that float in the water (sail boat, canoe, race boat, paddleboat, fishing boat, ship, cargo ship, etc). We looked and discussed different types of water transportation.

After snack time, we had language and learned the letter Ss. We sang a Jolly Jingles song for the letter Ss and also learned that it makes a "sssss" sound. We did the action of a snake while we sounded out the letter Ss. We also did some letter Ss tracing activities.

After lunch, we had gym. Following gym, we went outside for a couple minutes to look at the weather. We concluded the it was partly cloudy outside and drew this on our "Weather Watch" worksheet. We will be going out everyday this week for a couple minutes to do this activity. By the end of the week, we will look for different weather patterns and graph our results as a class.

We had french and story time. We read "Bear's New Friend." After second lunch, we had math, which dealt with numeracy.

A few reminders:

-Please measure your child's height (in inches) and record it in the agenda if you haven't done so already
-Please return any report cards with comments ASAP
-Please LEAVE your child's toy car in his/her backpack for tomorrow's class!!!!

Have a wonderful night,

Miss H.

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